
副教授, 公司信息交流


Brinkert R. S., & Chewning L.V., (2020). Strategic 公司信息交流:  Core Concepts for Managing Your Career and Your Clients’ Brands. 圣地亚哥,CA: Cognella学术出版. http://titles.cognella.com/strategic-corporate-communication-9781516532735#

Chewning L.V., (2019). 通信网络. In A. Nicotera (Ed)., Organizational Communication: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Field. (pp. 168-186). 劳特利奇.

Chewning L.V. & Montemurro B. (2018). 老化热:在克利夫兰热上的老年妇女的可取性的图像. 性与文化,22(2),462-478.

Chewning L.V. (2018). 定义虚拟互动. In M. Taylor & K. 约翰斯顿(Eds.沟通参与手册. 西萨塞克斯:威利.

Chewning L.V. (2018). 社交网络. 《国际战略传播百科全书. 新泽西州霍博肯:威利-布莱克威尔.

Chewning L.V. (2017). Organizational sensemaking in a mixd-media environment: The case of Paula Deen. In C. Liberman D. 罗德里格斯, & T. Avtgis (Eds.危机与风险沟通. 爱达荷州迪比克:肯德尔·亨特.

Montemurro B., & Chewning L.V. (2017). Unscripted: Exploring representations of older unpartnered women’s sexuality. 妇女与老龄化杂志, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08952841.2017.1290987

Chewning L.V., & Montemurro B. (2016). The structure of support: Mapping network evolution in an online social support group. 计算机科学与技术,2016,33 (4):355- 356.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2016.07.006 (http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1TOfZ2f~UVz7iu)

Chewning L.V. (2016). Measuring the enactment of IRT in social media:What are organizations and stakeholders saying during crisis? In J. Blaney (Ed.), Putting image repair to the test: Quantitative applications of image restoration theory. 兰哈姆,医学博士:列克星敦图书公司.

Chewning L.V. (2015). Using social capital to build global health initiatives: Connecting organizations and citizen-stakeholders through social media. In T.R. 哈里森 & E.A. 威廉姆斯(Eds.)、组织、健康和沟通. 纽约,纽约:劳特利奇.

Chewning L.V. (2015). Multiple voices and multiple media: Co-constructing BP's crisis response. 公共关系评论,41(1),72-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2014.10.012

Chewning L.V., & Doerfel, M. (2013). Integrating crisis into the organizational lifecycle through transitional networks. 国际人文社会科学杂志, 3(21), 39-52.

Doerfel, M.; Chewning L.V., & Lai, C. (2013). Network Structures and IORs: The Evolution of Networks and the Resilience of Interorganizational Relationships after Disaster. 通信专论,80(4),533-559.

Chewning L.V.,赖,C.-H.杜尔菲尔,M. (2013). Organizational resilience following disaster:  A longitudinal view of information and communication technologies use to rebuild communication structure. 管理沟通季刊, 27(2), 237-263.

哈里森,T. R.摩根,S. E.切宁,L.V.威廉姆斯,E.巴伯,J.迪科西亚,M. J.L .戴维斯. (2011). Revisiting the worksite in worksite health campaigns: Evidence from a multisite organ donation campaign, 传播学杂志, 61, 535-555.

摩根,年代. E.斯蒂芬森,M.阿菲菲,W. A.哈里森,T。. R.Long, S. D., & Chewning L. V. (2011). The University Worksite Organ Donation Project: A comparison of two types of worksite campaigns on the willingness to donate. 临床移植,25 (4),600 -605.

Doerfel, M.L.,赖,C., & Chewning L.V. (2010). The evolutionary role of interorganizational communication: Modeling social capital in disaster contexts. 人类传播研究.

苏珊·摩根.哈里森,泰勒·R.切宁,丽莎V.迪科西亚,马克·J. & 戴维斯,LaShara A. (2010) The effectiveness of high- and low-intensity worksite campaigns to promote organ donation: The workplace partnership for life. 通信专论,77 (3),341-356

哈里森,T. R.摩根,S. E., & Chewning L. V. (2008). The challenges of social marketing of organ donation: News and entertainment coverage of donation and transplantation. 健康营销季刊,25(1/2):33-65.

摩根,年代. E.哈里森,T。. R.切宁,L. V.L .戴维斯., & 迪·科西亚,m.d. (2007). Entertainment (mis)education: The framing of organ donation in entertainment television. 卫生传播,22(2),143 -152.


Chewning L.V. (2019). Building Engagement with Religious Institutions across an Online/Offline Stakeholder Spectrum.  Presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Orlando, FL.

Chewning L.V. (2018)定义虚拟参与. Presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Prauge, Czech Republic.

Chewning L.V. (2017). Understanding Online Engagement from the Stakeholder Point of View: How Goals, Motives, 和支持推动在线利益相关者参与. Presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Orlando, FL.

Chewning L.V. (2016). What it means to be a citizen: “Most Admired Companies’” Discourse About Corporate  Citizenship. Presented at the National Communication Association conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Chewning L.V. (2016). Moving Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility to 社区 and Citizenry: Galvanizing Social, 变革的声誉和社会技术资本. Presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL.

Chewning L.V. (2015). Creating Collaborative Opportunities: Examining Interactive Communities in Social Media Research & 实践. 小组成员. Presented at the National Communication Association conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Chewning L.V. (2015). Using Social Capital to Build Global Health Initiatives: Connecting Organizations and Stakeholders through Social Media. Presented at the International Communication Association conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Chewning L.V. (2015). How Organizations and Stakeholders are connecting via Social Media…Building 社区 and Enacting Change. 新泽西社交媒体峰会,韦恩,新泽西.

Lai, C., & Chewning L. (2014). Organizing and Adaptions of Collective Grasroots Efforts for Disaster Response. Presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Seattle, WA.

Chewning L.V. (2013). 危机后组织中的信任维度. Presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Washington, D.C.

Chewning L.V. (2013). Dear Diary: Mommy Blogs as Personal Narrative in an Evolving Media Landscape. Presented at the New Jersey Communication Association Conference, Madison, NJ.

Chewning L.V. (2012). Mapping Words that Build Connections: Analyzing Stakeholder Messages in a Transitional Space. 在加州雷东多海滩的阳光地带社交网络会议上发表.

Chewning L.V. (2011). 你得到你要的东西了吗? 网络社会支持社区的进化机制. 在圣路易斯市阳光地带社交网络会议上发表. 宠物,佛罗里达.

Chewning L.V. & Doerfel, M.L. (2009).  Establishing the Foundation for a Communication Theory of Transitional Space. Presented at the International Communication Association conference, Chicago, IL.

Doerfel, M.L.; Lai, C.; Chewning L.V. (2009). The evolutionary role of interorganizational communication: Modeling social capital in disaster contexts.  Presented at the National Communication Association conference, Chicago, IL.


My teaching philosophy reflects an emphasis on interactive learning and student voice. My courses are designed to facilitate student learning with techniques that encourage critical analysis and learning through action.

CAS 352:组织沟通
CAS 100A:有效的公众演讲


Outstanding Teacher Award for Tenure Line Faculty, 澳门威尼斯人官网, 阿宾顿, 2015

W. Charles Redding Dissertation Award, International Communication Association, 2009.

Top Paper in Organizational Communication of the National Communication Association. 2009

Research combines theoretical and applied perspectives to further understand the role of communication in human organization, 主要侧重于使用信息通信技术(ICT) & (通信技术)创建和扩展网络, 其次强调组织危机. Research includes a focus on both natural crises and crises of reputation. 正在出现的对健康和残疾/残疾交流的次要关注.