Annual Lear awards celebrate inspiring 阿宾顿 student artists

阿宾顿 annual art awards 2023

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 student Audrey Fefeti received an honorable mention award at the Bertha Lear Annual Student 艺术 Exhibition. 


阿宾顿,爸爸. ——9 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 student artists received awards this week for outstanding merit in their discipline during a reception for the Bertha Lear Annual Student 艺术 Exhibition. The show features sculptures, 绘画, 图纸, 漫画小说, 陶瓷, 摄影, 新媒体.  

The exhibition is named after the artist Bertha Lear. 她的儿子罗伯特. Lear (Penn State class of 1967), 还有他已故的妻子, 玛丽莲, funded an endowment to honor his mother and to support art at 阿宾顿. 

Chancellor Margo DelliCarpini thanked the Lears as well as Stanley and Lois Singer, who support the annual award for excellence in black and white 摄影.   

“The generosity of the Lears and the Singers demonstrates how endowed funds enrich the student and educational experience at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校. These students exemplify greatness, and we are honored to celebrate their excellence and achievement,”她说。. 

伊冯·爱,项目主席 艺术专业, 说 the diverse art forms represented in the exhibition are a testament to breadth and depth of talent on campus.  

“Our faculty are dedicated to student success, and our students are truly inspiring. The Singers and the Lears help our students pursue their passions and develop their skills,”她说。. 

A number of the award winners offered thanks to the donors and faculty for their support.  

“My professors served as mentors and voices of reason, and I would like to thank Bob Lear for acknowledging artists like me,学生约翰·肯布尔说, who received an honorable mention, 说. 

Orest Luzeckyj, a prolific artist who was featured in a recent 关于他版画的故事, expressed his gratitude for the professional relationship he has forged with 利文索尔邦妮,艺术教授.  

“Bonnie opened doors to artistic and personal growth for me,“Luzeckyj, who received the printmaking award, 说. 

These students were honored at the reception, and their works may be viewed 在这里.  

  • Bertha Lear Award for Excellence in Ceramics: Anastasiya Denisova 

  • Bertha Lear Award for Excellence in Drawing and Painting: Cheyenne Getz  

  • Bertha Lear Award for Excellence in New Media: Arielle Kearns  

  • Bertha Lear Award for Excellence in Printmaking: Orest Luzeckyj  

  • Bertha Lear Award for Excellence in Sculpture: Riley Harris  

  • Bertha Lear Honorable Mention: Audrey Fefeti  

  • The Stanley and Lois Singer Award for Excellence in Black and White Photography:  Holly Byars  

  • Bertha Lear Honorable Mention: John Kemble 

  • The Bertha Lear Purchase Award for Best in Show: Theodora Dagkli Andonopoulos. A select piece of Theodora’s body of work will become part of the 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 permanent art collection. 


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 provides an affordable, accessible and high-impact education resulting in the success of a diverse student body. It is committed to student success through innovative approaches to 21st-century public higher education within a world-class research university. 有3个以上,100名学生, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 25 majors, 本科研究, 施赖尔荣誉学院, NCAA Division III athletics and more. 
