
阿宾顿,爸爸. 今天的性工作者利用互联网来吸引客户, 塑造角色, 分享信息, 筛选潜在客户并建立社区, 根据澳门威尼斯人官网一位教员的新书. 库尔特·福勒,香港大学副教授 刑事司法 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, applied an approach called narrative criminology in his new book "The Rise of Digital Sex Work" (NYU Press) to provide an intimate look into the changing face of the industry, telling stories of workers and revealing how they go online to 分享信息, 发展他们的业务,建立全球社区.  

“人们对性工作有一种文化观念, 阅读他们的故事可以改变这一点,福勒说. “Digital sex work is changing the shape of what it means to be a sex worker in the 21st century. 他们希望在选择工作的时间、地点和原因上有更多的发言权. 我们很少听到工人们自己的声音, 他们故事的潜在意义对我们所有人都很重要.”

Fowler conducted 50 in-depth interviews with workers from industrialized countries worldwide who provide services ranging from web-camming to escorting. 他提供了关于种族如何, class and privilege affect their work and the role of the internet and explores how they manage their daily business and client relationships, their use of digital technology for safety and as a broader social resource, 以及种族在他们的工作中扮演的角色.  

“这些不仅仅是无菌测量. 他们都是有人类故事的人, and in order to understand the sociological consequences we need context, 我的书提供了. Their stories say more about us than the workers and how we choose to frame it reflects society’s understanding. Digital sex work is on the rise, and it has nothing to do with sex work. 这都是关于我们的数字生活,”他说. 

There are striking differences, Fowler explained, between traditional and digital sex workers. 

“我采访的大多数人都受过高等教育, 白色, 中等年龄28岁的中产阶级女性, 哪个比文化刻板印象更古老. But it says something about the network in this subculture that only people who are feeling secure in their position in life and society are comfortable talking to me about their illegal behavior. Someone with a pimp or who is on drugs likely won't talk to me,他说.  

“Those variables speak to their own personal sense of security; it’s not a risk to talk to me. 起初,很难找到可以采访的工人, but then word got out through emails and other means that I had no agenda. The difference is agency: ‘I have the choice of clients and to talk about my work or not,’”福勒说。.  

He explained that most research into sex work is drawn from samples of people leaving the profession or those in the 刑事司法 system, 这助长了耻辱感. 

"Most of the people I interviewed were just trying to get along in the world, 但是,没有人会指责那些支付不了足以维持生计的工资的企业. 这是他们愿意做的一系列工作中的一项, 但他们之前试过的那些都没有给他们足够的钱. 他们在努力丰富自己的人生经验,支付账单,福勒说, 他补充说,他没有采访被拐卖的工人. 


“They can’t call the police if they get attacked or they must falsify their stories to doctors. From a narrative criminology standpoint, it’s our impressions that limit them. 例如, 数字化的性工作者通常会严格筛选潜在客户, 包括询问真实姓名, 银行信息, 以及来自其他提供者的引用. It goes against the cultural perception of sex work where a guy pulls up in a car and the worker gets in,福勒说. 

“这些工人先发制人,确保他们的安全. The ability to create a digital and virtual community that spreads information and best practices is crucial to them,他补充道. 

The impact of the pandemic is the focus of a chapter in "The Rise of Digital Sex Work."  

"There’s been an explosion of people using digital platforms for sex work. 色情是生活成本膨胀的新现实. I revisited three workers and asked them to speak to changes since COVID. One worker used to do different types of sex work and then when the pandemic hit, 他们转向了视频. They are making more money now sitting in their living room than they used to,他说. 

Fowler's research reveals that sex workers want a seat at the table where policies and programs that affect them are formulated, 但他们普遍反对非刑事化. 

“他们总是说,‘别再告诉我了,开始问我吧.’ They are a marginalized population so when regulations are passed, they aren’t consulted. The criminalization of sex work obfuscates the difference between victims and people who are agentically running their own businesses. 他们赚钱是因为这是禁忌, 但他们也站在一个特权的位置上发言,他说. 

Fowler’s research into digital sex work began with his doctoral dissertation, which described how sex workers use internet technology to circumvent traditional social institutions and create new resources for their community. 他还关注异常的亚文化, particularly how they create and sustain culture in digital spaces to identify problems and address them. He has examined the subculture of incels and how they share perceived realities to bolster their ideology and how police use institutional language to absolve themselves of wrongdoing.  


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