
Reverse Video Assignment
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Reverse Video Assignment

During the first days of transitioning to remote learning due to the pandemic, John Thompson, assistant teaching professor of art at Penn State Abington, asked his students to create videos that would make sense if it played in reverse. Check out the work of Yanjie An, Zoe Brouse, Yishan Ding, Ethan Mann, and Carolina Manrique.

New Media Award Winner: 'The Dove'
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New Media Award Winner: 'The Dove'

Penn State Abington student Andy Vo earned the 2016 Bertha Lear Award for New Media. He crafted 'The Dove' for an exercise in integrating a modeled environment with a simple rigged character. "The challenges of modeling, lighting, camera motion, video overdub, and other technical flourishes aren't considered attainable in a first animation project but not for Andy," H. John Thompson, art faculty, said. "He leapfrogged this simple project into a legitimate and fully-formed narrative."